Love of God – St. Agnes

There is one only thing to do here below: to love Jesus, to win souls for Him so that He may be loved.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux

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St. Agnes Quiz

Massimo Stanzione Source: Wikimedia Commons
St. Agnes by Massimo Stanzione [Public Domain] via Wikimedia Commons
(All questions are based on information given in the biography in your Little Flowers Member’s Guide except for the Bonus Question. Answers are at the bottom of the page.)

1. When did St. Agnes live?

a. Around 402

b. Around 96

c. Around 324

d. Around 1764

2. What does St. Agnes’ name mean?

a. Lion

b. Pearl

c. Hope

d. Lamb

3. How was St. Agnes martyred?

a. Beheading

b. Burned

c. She wasn’t martyred

d. She died in prison

4. When was the first chapel erected in St. Agne’s honor?

a. 2 years before her death

b. 15 years after her death

c. 100 years after her death

d. 40 years after her death

Bonus: St. Agnes is one of how many women commemorated by name in the Canon of the Mass?

a. 1

b. 7

c. 2

d. 15

Peony Facts


  • The peony’s name comes from Paean, the Greek god of healing and medicine.
  • Peonies can live and bloom for as long as fifty years
  • Peonies are native to Asia, southern Europe and western America



Flower Meaning

Every flower has a root, a stem and a blossom; this last is the fairest of the three. And it is just the same with the glorious flower which the three theological virtues combine to form. From the root, which is faith, springs the stem, which is hope, and the lovely flower of charity crowns them both.

– Rev. Frances Lasance, Catholic Girl’s Guide


…it is the birthday of holy Agnes: let men be filled with wonder, little ones with hope, married women with awe, and the unmarried with emulation.

St. Ambrose

Quiz Answers: ɔ :snuoq ,p4 ,ɐ3 ,p2 ,ɔ1

