Piety – St. Cecilia

If you would be truly pious do everything you have to do as a service done to God.

Fr. Francis Lasance

Leaders! Please leave your craft/snack/game suggestions and links in the comment section below!

St. Cecilia Quiz

St. Cecilia by Guido Reni

(All questions are based on information given in the biography in your Little Flowers Member’s Guide except for the Bonus Question. Answers are at the bottom of the page.)

1. What was St. Cecilia’s husband’s name?

a. Octavian

b. Tarcissius

c. Valerius

d. Gregory

2. What is St. Cecilia the patron saint of?

a. Bakers

b. Gardeners

c. Queens

d. Music

3. When is St. Cecilia’s feast day

a. October 12

b. February 30

c. November 9

d. November 22

4. When did St. Cecilia live?

a. 8th century

b. 1st and 2nd century

c. 21st century

d. 2nd and 3rd century

Bonus: Which Pope baptized St. Cecilia’s husbad?

a. Pope John Paul II

b. Pope Alexander V

c. St. Pope Linus

d. Pope S. Urban

Forget-Me-Not Facts


  • Legend says that Jesus made forget-me-nots to match his Mother’s eyes and they are called “Mary’s Eyes.”
  • Forget-Me-Nots can be used to treat many types of eye diseases.
  • Forget-Me-Nots bloom mostly during midsummer, between late June and late July.


Flower Meaning

However, a wide difference will be found to exist between various kinds of piety. Just as among flowers there are real and natural blossoms and others which are unreal, being fashioned by art, so can the forget-me-not of piety be true or false.

– Rev. Frances  Lasance, The Catholic Girl’s Guide


Arise, soldiers of Christ, throw away the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.

St. Cecilia

Quiz Answers: p :snuoq ,p4 ,p3 ,p2 ,ɔ1

Below are some supplemental resources we recommend for your personal use or for use in your club. Click the images to be redirected.


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One thought on “Piety – St. Cecilia

  1. RegisteredClubs says:

    This week we celebrate St. Cecelia’s feast day, who is the patron Saint of Music! She is also the Little Flowers Saint for Piety (Wreat I), so I thought I’d do a simple snack in honor of her.

    All you need is some vanilla wafers and a hershey’s bar. Arrange them into keys and serve! It takes about 5 minutes, and costs next to nothing. One pack of wafers and chocolate and feed 6-10 children and costs about $2.

    Original post with pics here: https://www.beholdpublications.com/BeholdChristBlog/2013/11/19/st-cecelias-piano-snack/