Fidelity – St. Anna Wang

The Christian life requires, as it were, the ‘martyrdom’ of daily fidelity to the Gospel; the courage, that is, to allow Christ to increase in us and to direct our thoughts and actions.

Pope Benedict XVI

St. Anna Wang Quiz

(All questions are based on information given in the biography in your Little Flower Member’s Guide except for the Bonus Question. Answers are at the bottom of the page.)

Holy Chinese Martyrs


1. Where was St. Anna born?

a. China

b. Vietnam

c. Italy

d. Portugal

2. When was St. Anna born?

a. 1765

b. 1886

c. 1904

d. 801

3. What rebellious faction wanted to expel Christianity from China wile St. Anna was alive?

a. The Bulldogs

b. The Boxers

c. The Black X

d. The White Hand

4. How was St. Anna martyred?

a. Died in prison

b. Beheading

c. Stabbed with a sword

d. Stoning

Bonus: Who is St. Anna the patroness of?

a. China

b. Vietnam

c. Young Women

d. Merchants

Plum Blossom facts

plum blossom

  • Plum Blossoms are the national flower of China
  • They can be used in teas and as an herbal medicine
  • Plum trees grow during the winter and plum blossoms are a symbol of strength during difficult times.




Flower Meaning

Plum Blossoms are the national flower of China, St. Anna’s home

The door of heaven is open. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

St. Anna Wang’s last words

Quiz Answers: ɔ :snuoq ,q4 ,q3 ,q2 ,ɐ1


